Wednesday 18 May 2016


In the Hindu epic MahabharataAmba is the eldest daughter of the king of Kashi, who considers the Kuru prince Bhishma responsible for her misfortune and her sole goal in life becomes his destruction, to fulfill which she is reborn as Shikandini (the daughter of Drupada and the sister of Draupadi).

King Santanu had two sons by Satyavati, Chitrangada and Vichitravirya. In a battle with Gandharva, Chitrangada met with his death. As he died childless, Bhishma crowned Vichitravirya as king. However as he was a minor, Bhisma, Santanu’s son by Goddess Ganga had to shoulder  the responsibilities of king on his behalf. When Vichitravirya came of age Bhishma started looking for a suitable bride for him. It was known to all that the king of Kasi had three daughters, all of them very beautiful and accomplished. They were Amba, Ambika and Ambalika. All three were of nubile age. The prevailing custom known as Swayamvara gave the freedom to a princess to choose her own husband; but the aspiring prince had to win her after passing prescribed tests of eligibility in competition with other suitors. Accordingly, festivities were arranged for the Swayamvara and all kings and princes were formally invited.

Bhishma did not want to miss the chance. Assembled princes were surprised how the old man who had taken a vow of brahmacharya could have been invited. They spoke of him in derisive terms. They did not know he had come to find a bride for Vichitravirya. In their minds they cursed the king of Kasi for inviting such an old man. Bhishma was aware of the undercurrent of resentment among the princes. As ceremony progressed, the princesses did not even care to look at him. This incensed Bhishma. Having made up his mind, he challenged the princes for a test of strength. Those who dared were easily defeated by him. As there seemed

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